
Showing posts from October, 2017

Marketing Gimmicks vs Customer Satisfaction

The aim of being in business is to generate revenue. And that comes mostly from sales. In turn, sales is driven by advertising, marketing and promotions. This has become increasingly easier with bigger reach using social media and smartphone technology. The mad rush for increased sales has resulted in use of all sorts of trickery and deception to reel customers in. This has become increasingly easier with social media as people just seat in front of a LCD screen of a computer or perhaps mostly smartphones these days as the advent of micro technology has permitted, type up a few texts and attach a carefully edited still or moving picture scintillatingly designed to capture your imagination. And that's all it takes! A simple idea is put in your head, you think about it, and continue to think about it. Then you go buy it. You soon become someone's idea(s) rather than being you. Morality is not even a subject for consideration, okay.....yeah yeah..... perhaps forced on by reg